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Older NEWS 1 (Sort of!)

Broadwell lending library

   Anne Ramsay writes: I am delighted to announce that our redundant telephone box has been kitted out and is our new lending library. It is now officially open with the Parish Council’s agreement within Covid19 guidance. 
Thanks are due to Karen Chapman along with Bernard Tinker and Mike Hough for stopping the removal of the box, Broadwell for paying the princely sum of £1 to purchase, Tim Stockford for painting, Guy Richmond for shelving and everyone who has donated books so far.    
   As the Broadwell Village Librarian, I am cataloguing all donated books in order that I can rotate them on a six monthly basis. So I am aware which are the popular books, and therefore retain them in the library for longer, I am asking all returned books to be signed back in on the Return Sheet in the kiosk. Redundant books will then be given to local charity shops.   Please do feel free to take any book for any length of time. 
   During these unusual times, I am checking the kiosk daily for any returned books which I remove for quarantine for at least 72 hours before returning. But, to keep the library fresh, I’m going to need help. If you have any hard or paperback books that you would like to donate please feel free to drop them off at Lamb House (opposite Broadshires Pre-School).  If I am not around, donations can be left in any sheltered area.  If it is easier, please email me as I will be offering a collection service.

Broadwell library in a telephone box in The Land of The Twelve Churches

9th July 2020

Parish Pump in the Land of the Twelve Churches
Parish Pump in the Land of the Twelve Churches
Parish Pump in the Land of the Twelve Churches

The PARISH PUMP website...

   ... has now been going three months, and had over 1300 unique visitors.

Do please consider writing something for the mag... Copy date the 12th of each month.


8th July 2020

5th July 2020

Calling all poets...

   Please enter Alvescot's first poetry competition on the theme of ‘Lockdown and Beyond’.  We are looking for poems about life under lockdown, and what the future may hold afterwards. There is no charge to enter.
   There are four age categories: under 8, 8-11, 12‑17, and Adult (over 17). Please submit your entries marked: ‘AVA Poetry Competition’ by by 13th July including your name and age category to:


Tessa Farley:

HELP, please!

   Filkins' lovely Village Hall is looking for a new cleaner/caretaker. Perhaps three hours or so a week, with some flexibility. Please email me if you might be interested. It is possible that this job could be combined with a similar one at Filkins Nursery School (right opposite the Village Hall.)
   And, of course, best luck to Michelle Moran who is currently in the post. Michelle has been wonderful, and we will all really miss her when she moves to Melksham later in the summer.

Filkins Village Hall in the Land of the Twelve Churches in Shill Valley and Broadshire

2nd July 2020

The Cotswold Chippy at Cotswold Woollen Weavers in The Land  of the Twelve Churches

The COTSWOLD CHIPPY has a successful first outing in Filkins

   Well, that worked out pretty well last evening... Everyone seemed to like their Fish & Chips, and The Cotswold Chippy certainly liked coming to Filkins.

   'A great evening, and what a nice bunch of people' was the Cotswold Chippy's verdict, and they look forward to returning to Cotswold Woollen Weavers' carpark on the last Monday of next month: 27th July. 

30th June 2020

The Cotswold Chippy visits The Land of the Twelve Churches in Shill Valley and Broadshire


Fish & Chips. From the Cotswold Chippy in FILKINS

5.30pm to 7.30pm on Monday 29th June in the carpark at Cotswold Woollen Weavers... And if all goes well, every last Monday of every month thereafter.

Come to Filkins for the BEST fish & chips around.

The Cotswold Chippy visits The Land of the Twelve Churches in Shill Valley and Broadshire

29th June 2020



   Here are the Guidelines which visitors to our two churches in Broughton Poggs with Filkins are asked to follow.

  They are based on the risk assessment which was carried out in line with the Government guidelines for re-opening churches issued on 12th June.

  Both church have been open every day since Sunday 14th June, and we have welcomed visitors both from this parish and elsewhere in the Benefice.

  Further information may be obtained from the two churchwardens at

28th June 2020

Orchid in Filkins Church in The Land of the Twelve Churches in Shill Valley and Broadshire
Orchid in Filkins Church in The Land of the Twelve Churches in Shill Valley and Broadshire

How very nice and helpful some people are

  When Trish went down to check on St Peter's Filkins, to make sure that all is in order for visitors...

  ... She found that some kind visitor had brought these two lovely orchids.

   Trish says: 'Thank you!'

  Following the Government Guidelines, both churches in the parish of Broughton Poggs with Filkins are open every day from about 10am to 6pm.

  Welcome visitor!

26th June 2020


   Dr Donal Lowry, Oxford historian and resident in The Land of the Twelve Churches, sets out some background, and urges caution on those who must make the decision...

Click HERE to read Donal's fascinating  paper

25th June 2020

Cotswold Woollen Weavers in the Land of the Twelve Churches



   Cotswold Woollen Weavers re-opens at 10am on Wednesday 24th June, and will now be open:

   Wednesday 10am to 6pm

   Thursday 10am to 6pm

   Friday 10am to 6pm

   Saturday 10am to 6pm

   Do go and visit them.

   The CWW website is HERE.

24th June 2020


   While others argue about events of long ago, Filkins gets on with making things happen now. First the churches, and now the Post Office are all OPEN!

   What a great photograph of local action! Icecream (from Rodborough Common) sold in Filkins Shop (that, magnificently, has not closed during the Time of Corona), in a building whose blue plaque commemorates its local benefactor (Sir Stafford Cripps)...

... And now the redoubtable Ena Constable is back behind her counter in the re-opened Post Office. Hurrah to them all!

   The Post Office (tel: 01367 860620) is now open:

Mondays:  11am to 4pm

Tuesdays: 8.30am to 12.30pm

Thursdays: 9am to 12.30pm

Fridays: 1.30 to 4.30pm

19th June 2020

The Post Office in Filkins in The Land of the Twelve Churches in Shill Valley and Broadshire
Stone mason at Cotswold Woollen Weavers Filkins in the Land of the Twelve Churches in Shill Valley and Broadshire



It's good to know that at least some things stay the same, especially beautiful, creative things. Here is Simon Brittain hand-carving a piece of limestone in the workshop at Cotswold Woollen Weavers in Filkins... Just as stonemasons have for 500 years.

All it takes is a piece of local limestone, a pencil, chisels and a small mallet... And enormous skill, of course.

Long may it last

18th June 2020


The two churches of St Peters in Broughton Poggs and Filkins are now open again, all day every day! Despite some misleading advice from various sources, the government guidelines (published 12th June) have been pretty straightforward to follow.

The churchwardens  would be happy to share their experience of preparing the risk assessment as well as the practical steps. Contact Trish at:

St Peters Broughton Poggs in the Land of the Twelve Churches in Shill Valley and Broadshire
St Peters Filkins in the Land of the Twelve Churches in Shill Valley and Broadshire

15th June 2020

The winnining ticket in The Land of the Twelve Churches in Shill Valley and Broadshire

Wow! Beth could hardly believe her luck...

She'd drawn the winning ticket on her very first visit!

13th June 2020

The Cotswold Chippy visits The Land of the Twelve Churches in Shill Valley and Broadshire

Just the Best Fish & Chips around... From the Cotswold Chippy in FILKINS

5.30pm to 7.30pm on Monday 29th June in the carpark at Cotswold Woollen Weavers... And if all goes well, every last Monday of every month thereafter.

Come to Filkins for the BEST fish & chips around.

The Cotswold Chippy visits The Land of the Twelve Churches in Shill Valley and Broadshire

10th June 2020

A dodo in The Land of The Twelve Churches in Shill Valley and Broadshire

Birds, birds... and MORE BIRDS!

   On page 41 in the June issue of PARISH PUMP, there is a competition from David and Jean Roberts... 'Guess the Birds'

   The answers to the 15 questions are on the right...

1  Kittiwake

2  Little Stint

3  Redwing

4  Nightingale

5  Snipe

6  White Stork

7  Swallow

8  Red-backed Shrike

9  Moorhen

10  Swift

11  Common Crane

12  Cetti’s Warbler

13  Wheatear

14  Starling

15  Redpoll

   You can read the June Parish Pump HERE.

8th June 2020


   Martin Hodson recently took this great photograph of a green woodpecker on his lawn at Filkins Vicarage. 

It was probably after ants,  a favourite woodpecker food.

   There is a lot of evidence that woodpeckers are long-time residents of the area... For instance, Finstock is named for 'the farmstead with woodpeckers' ('Fina' is Old English for 'woodpecker').

7th June 2020

Green woodpecker at Filkins Vicarage in The Land of the Twelve Churches

6th June 2020

   In June's PARISH PUMP: An excellent example, from BLACK BOURTON, of the idea that any two people can be connected in not more than six steps, even across several centuries...

   Sir Arthur Hopton (1588-1650, and buried in the chancel in St Mary's) left his property to his nephew, Sir Nicholas Throckmorton, one of whose daughters married Sir Walter Raleigh (of tobacco and potato fame), who was born at East Budleigh in Devon, which is part of the Benefice where our last Associate Vicar, Karen Young, now lives and works.

   You can read the June Parish Pump HERE.


Black Bourton in the Land of the Twelve Churches in Shill Valley and Broadshire

From the Rector:

"I am very conscious that some within our communities are unable to access the internet."

   'Keeping in Touch' 27th May 2020

"For communication, Margot and I have chosen to focus our attention online..."

   'Parish Pump' June 2020

Harry MacInnes in The Land of the Twelve Churches in Shill Valley and Broadshire
Margot Hodson in the Land of the Twelve Churches

5th June 2020

Barry Cryer in the Land of the Twelve Churches in Shill Valley and Broadshire

A Joke in the Time of Corona

   Barry Cryer is the man who once said: 


   There was this chap driving down a country lane and ran over a cockerel. Deeply upset, he went to the farmhouse and knocked on the door. A woman opened it and he said: "I appear to have killed your cockerel, and I’d like to replace him." "Please yourself,” she said. “The hens are round the back.”

   Recently, Barry tweeted a joke for this Time of Corona:

   A man, lurching down the road very late at night, was stopped by a policeman, who asked the man where he was going.

"I'm going to a lecture, about smoking and drinking" he answers

"Who on earth's giving such a lecture at this time of night?"asks the policeman.

The man replies: "my wife!"

4th June 2020

From the Parish Pump of June 2005, fifteen years ago...


‘For it is just like a man… who called his own slaves and entrusted his possessions to them. To one he gave five talents, to another, two, and to another, one, each according to his own ability… Immediately the one who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and gained five more talents.' (Matthew 25.14)

Last November 2004, the church handed out £10 notes to members, and asked them to use their talents (both the money and their skills!) to raise money towards the restoration of the village Churches. Since then, there have been several coffee mornings, a South African Lunch, a child-care seminar, a St Valentine’s Dinner, an Opera Evening, a talk on flying, mince-pie baking, and plenty of jam making.

Already more than £2000 has been raised, and there is more to come: for instance, a Classic Car Show on June 12th 2006...


An old idea but a good 'un. Worth a trot out again?









3rd June 2020

Black Bourton in the Land of the Twelve Churches in Shill Valley and Broadshire
11 of the 12 churches in the Land of the Twelve Churches in Shill Valley and Broadshire

Black Bourton are on their way!

   Congratulations to Black Bourton are in order, for they are to leave the Shill Valley and Broadshire Benefice, and will become an independent parish.

   Whatever one might think of the proposal to split the Benefice, and the way it has been treated by the diocese and around the benefice, there is no doubt that Black Bourton has led an excellent campaign, and we all wish them well.

What happens next? Well, we shall see...

You can see the Scheme Document if you click here >>

1st June 2020

The A361q in The Time of Corona in The Land of the Twelve Churches in Shill Valley and Broadshire

June 2020 Parish Pump is now published

   Still nothing much happening in This Time of Corona (see the empty A361 through Filkins!) so plenty of time to settle down for a good read.

   If you do not have a paper copy of June's Parish Pump... Have a look at it HERE.

   (Please note: better on a PC or tablet.)

  Happy reading!

West Oxfordshire District Council covering The Land of the Twelve Churches in Shill Valley and Broadshire

   Please have a look at the questionnaire that West Oxfordshire District Council are conducting about what actions the council can take to help tackle Climate Change locally. Your views will help with the preparation of a district-wide strategy.

   You have until 16th June to fill in the survey form which you will find HERE.


Veronica Barry


The Land of the Twelve Churches in Shill Valley and Broadshire
A small stone in a churchyard in the Land of the Twelve Churches in Shill Valley and Broadshire

29th May 2020

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