Filkins Theatre Review 2021: TANGO!
Filkins Theatre excelled itself on Saturday 27th November with a 'supper Review' based on old scripts, some adapted and some 'as is', from the BBC archive. The show was well directed by Lynne Savege and Jane Martin (who also compered), and the excellent supper was master-cooked by Michelle Heath and a band of the beautiful.
What might lightly be called 'the programme' gives the flavour of the performances, from old Filkins Theatre members (in some cases ancient!), new members, and very welcome guest actors and singers from surrounding villages.
Below the programme is a cobbled-together tribute (with Al's help) to the wonderful Lynne & Leroy, who once again showed us all why live theatre still counts. Magic!
Leroy & Lynne (plus Al and Co): a taste of the theatrical
And now...
As with dance, so with song!
Peter Sangston entertains...
(click 'full screen button' for the full flavour!)
Coronoavirus notwithstanding, the best of village life was back!
And, as ever...
Nothing imitates Art as well as Life does!